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Telecommunication, Media and Technology

The TMT Department started as a Space Law Department.  It then developed into a TMT Department to encompass the Space Law practice and other quickly developing practices in the area of technology, media and telecommunications.  The Department is headed by Dr. Bahieldin H. Elibrachy and Dr. Amir Nabil Ibrahim acts as its vice-chair.

I&D has worked in the field of media since it was appointed as the international legal counsel the Egyptian Radio & Television Union (ERTU) in 2004. I&D was involved in settling various international disputes and negotiating new agreements to broadcast in America as well as broadcasting issues both domestically and internationally.

Telecommunication and media technology are linked to I&D’s Space Law Department. The triple play and quad play, which is provided beyond the domestic gateway, are services that extend after the activities of the Space Law Department.

The experience of I&D in telecommunication and media includes:

– Negotiation with many of the satellite station owners on matters that included the Ministry of Information.

– Handling issues related to the movie right that was bought by Rotana; and assessing its validity.
– Being involved with the football broadcasting right of ERTU versus the Egyptian Football Federation and other licensees of the EFF.
– Representing satellite operators with household names in the broadcasting industry.
– Working on coding and decoding agreements of paid television.
– Litigating landmark cases in broadcasting of sports rights and restrictive licensing practices rights’ owners.
– Reviewing certain aspects of major license agreements such as that of CAF and FIFA to third parties and its compliance with Egyptian laws.
– Litigating several arbitration disputes related to broadcasting rights.
– A partner of I&D has been appointed by a presidential decree as board member to the Supreme Council of Media.
– A partner of I&D contributed to the draft of the new Media Law and the draft of several regulations issued by the Supreme Council of Media.
– Advising digital media companies on their attempts to comply with Media Regulations.
– Those more recent experiences are in harmony with I&D’s history. I&D was involved in the 1970s in representing a major multinational in the negotiations and drafting of its project that was the bedrock in the development of the modern Egyptian telephone industry during Sadat. I&D also was the corporate advisor of the first Egyptian ISP which was later sold to Telecom Egypt. Egypt acting as legal advisor for the arrangers in the intended privatization of Telecom Egypt in close co-ordination and co-operation with an international law firm. I&D conducted a due diligence review on the company’s documents, including real estate, litigation status, loan agreements, supply agreements, licensing agreements, interconnection agreements, and other relevant documents. I&D reviewed and drafted offer and listing documents for the local Public Offering. I&D also advised an international telephone company on the Egyptian aspects of their New York Stock Exchange listing as well as the sale of their shares in an Egyptian telephone network operator.